Friday, May 9, 2008


Hi! Welcome to my blog. The purpose for this blog is to show you and tell you why recycling is important. The Service Learning Waste Reduction Program(SLWRP) is a great way to show you how and why you should recycle. Its never too late to help our environment using the 4R's, Reduce, Reuse , Recycle and Rot. Some Tennyson students have decided to help the environment by recycling and you could do the same. Even though some Tennyson students do recycle, more students need to get involved because it helps keep our school clean and and it helps our environment where we live. Recycling can make a BIG difference so start now if you haven' t already and if you have started, keep recycling, it makes our world a better place.

Recycling at Home

At home we try our best to help our environment and keep our house clean. We Reduse, Reuse and Recycle. We recycle plastic bottles and paper that we don't need. We reduse the amount of plastic bags from the grocery store and we reuse plastic bottles and sometimes clothing. Practicing the 4R's at your house is very important. You will be doing good to the environment and you will feel better of knowing that you are making a difference.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Davis Street Transfer Center

The David Street Transfer Center is a waste treatment facility and it is located in 20 Bay Area cities. They recycle and compost 75% of the materials that go there.The trash goes to landfills which is a giant hole on earth where the garbage is thrown.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Composting at THS Farm

Composting helps the environment and helps make good soil so that plants will grow better. You can make a compost by gathering grass clippings twigs and leaves and of course by applying water. By making a compost pile, you help flowers grow and make the earth a better place.